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Group Volunteering

Do you have a work team, friend group, faith group, or family members you'd like to volunteer with? Groups like this can be a great help in LA Family Housing's work to end homelessness. There are a few ways your group can help:

Sponsored Volunteering

While we are incredibly grateful for your help in this critical work, we are unfortunately unable to cover the cost of materials for your event (as even a small one can cost a few hundred dollars.) Please check out our Sponsored Volunteering Menu to get an idea of activities and costs

Mother's Day Kits

Father's Day Kits

Winter Care Kits (all ages)

Provide people experiencing homelessness with the basics like gloves, blankets, etc. You can purchase these items yourself, ask your friends/family/workplace for help, do a birthday drive - the sky is the limit!

Skilled Volunteering

If you're unable to provide any materials, your group can still be a great help if you have a special skill set such as hair cutting, dog grooming/training, fitness class instruction, meditation/mindfulness instruction, or cooking. Please email if you've got something special to share!

Community Volunteering

If your group does not have a budget or a particular skill set, you are welcome to sign up for any available slots at our regularly scheduled events.

Common Messages